In 1995, after a period of study, prayer and conversation, Bethel took the important step of becoming an Open and Affirming (ONA) church. Being Open and Affirming guides our understanding of who we are as a community committed to peace and justice, and to each other. Read about our ONA journey HERE
A Church Open and Affirming and Accepting of All People
By God’s grace, we will be an inclusive church. We commit ourselves to be a church for all people and, in Christ, we celebrate and embrace the rich diversity of God’s good creation. We will teach in word and deed the equality and dignity of all God’s people regardless of age, gender, handicap, sexual orientation, marital status, race or national origin or any particular elements of a person’s total humanity.
This inclusivity continues to be part of Bethel’s Just Peace work in the community, through donations to the Columbia Gorge Pride Alliance and active participation in the annual parade with a float or resource fair with a booth.
By God’s grace, we will be an inclusive church. We commit ourselves to be a church for all people and, in Christ, we celebrate and embrace the rich diversity of God’s good creation. We will teach in word and deed the equality and dignity of all God’s people regardless of age, gender, handicap, sexual orientation, marital status, race or national origin or any particular elements of a person’s total humanity.
This inclusivity continues to be part of Bethel’s Just Peace work in the community, through donations to the Columbia Gorge Pride Alliance and active participation in the annual parade with a float or resource fair with a booth.
The videos below are brought to you by the generosity of the Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ and the Just Peace Team of Bethel
ONA 101 Webinar
ONA and the Bible Webinar
ONA Bending Gender Webinar